Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happenings at Home

Well, I haven't posted in a while because I'm injured. I broke my little finger in 2 places almost two weeks ago. Your little finger is really important, I always think of God's Word that talks about the body of Christ and how each member of it is important, even those little fingers!! I was playing b-ball with the boys (still beating them in HORSE by the way!) and fell on our rock/concrete drive while running to get a rebound, my little finger took all the weight as I was trying to protect my knees. It's weird break, broken two places right above the knuckle, one horizontal and one vertical break. The first Dr. (by the way are the Dr.'s getting younger or what??) wanted to do surgery and place two pins under general anesthesia. The second Dr. was more conservative and agreed to cast it for one week and reassess, if it's not healing correctly he wants to place a metal t-bar over the breaks using a brachial block anesthesia, I went with the more conservative plan, please pray that it will heal. It's hard to type with just 3 fingers on the R hand to top it off, we have had no internet service for 3 days. I'm in Starbucks using the wireless connection. If I close my eyes and don't look outside, it feels just like I'm in the states. I didn't mention that Vietnam does not have Starbucks or McDonalds, I like that they aren't becoming westernized.They did have KFC but I don't know that I will ever eat KFC again after going to one in Thailand-yuck! Anyway, I'm glad Thailand has a Starbucks today, one where I can check e-mails and update my blog:) Please pray that my shooting, cooking, writing and typing hand might heal quickly-thank you very much.

1 comment:

The Reader said...

oh, OUCH!!! Praying for you, and glad for your Starbucks, too.

(funny side note: my "type this word to prove you are human" right now is heali -- I find it interesting it has HEAL in it, as we pray for your healing!)