Saturday, February 7, 2009

2008 School Field Trip (Nathan blogs)

Day 1
Hey everyone my mom wanted me to write something about our school field trip that we had this week. The field trip started on Tuesday morning bright and early as we all went to school at our regular times except we didn't have classes. We were told that we could pick the people that we wanted to ride the bus with us. It turned out that all the Thai's were in a bus with some Japanese students, and all the Korean's were in a bus together with some other Thai's because our class is over 50% Thai. And lastly it was the American's with an Indian female student that is very strange. Every bus had a teacher with them and the American bus got a really funny teacher named Mr. Schievert, who is from the USA. We were all really tired so we wanted to get some sleep. We all tried for half an hour but the road was just a little too rough and bumpy. The bus ride was 3 and a half hours long and we were told we couldn't bring ipods, mp3s, dvd players, and other awesome stuff that every teenager loves to bring on very long car rides. Three hours later after we had talked and laughed our mouths off we arrived at the national park gate, Khaoyai National Park. The first National Park in Thailand. Every class in Middle School and High School went to a different Thai destination for a week of cultural and science studies. We then had a bathroom break and went to our cabins. As soon as we arrived at our cabins and organized all our stuff we started to play 21 with candy. A game that all of my mates enjoy since we all love cards and candy. At that time it was only my mates Zach, Dustin, and I. I didn't play well but Zach and Dustin got enough of my share of the candy to feed an army and a zoo. We then just hung around till we had to go on a hike. Once we started the hike we were told that we would see a "waterfall" it was more like a stream with half a meter drop. My mates and I ran the whole way in under ten minutes because we wanted to get back to the cabins. Once at the cabins we saw some weird deer with manes we called them the donkeys. Our cabin had the best people since we were all friends and Americans :) lol. After dinner of cashew chicken we all just hung around and talked, and ate fried caterpillars from a Thai guy in our class-they were actually okay.

Day 2:
We all slept in a bit until people started to move around outside the cabin. We started the morning with a 3.5 click hike. We walked to a bird watching tower. We only saw a couple of birds a wild dog and elephant poop(BORING). Later that night we were hanging out with a couple of guys and the strange Indian girl kept walking outside with a flashlight gazing in the woods and mumbling with her thick Indian accent. A couple of guys asked her what she was doing and she said she was looking for ghosts. After that all several of us came to a conclusion that she is a little off. We still kept trying to include her in stuff but she just doesn't want to hang with our class, it's very odd.

Day 3 the last day:
We all woke up early to a quick breakfast of spaghetti (yuck!). We then went bird watching and walked 1 click, even more boring than the 3.5 km hike!!!! We were all bored and tired. We then were taken to a campsite to spend a night in a tent. There was a store that sold cokes and stuff like that so our class ran over to it and drank some cokes :) yum!. Until the teacher told us we couldn't do that any more because we had to eat healthy :(. That night the Americans were in charge of cooking the hot dogs. The Asian kids and adults didn't want theirs black on the outside so they basically ate it raw (yuck). There were a lot of porcupines walking around and some ugly monkeys. We were all sad about leaving the field trip the next morning because it was fun and were all just hanging around the campfire. When all of a sudden a big Korean guy, the size of Dustin, jumped up and started to hit a Thai kid. The Thai kid is probably 20 kilos (44 pounds) overweight and was cowering, covering his face. Dustin quickly jumped in there while others went to get a teacher, I started yelling at the Korean kid to cut it out. Dustin grabbed the Korean and pinned him down so he couldn't hit the Thai kid. We only had one man teacher on the trip and he is really skinny, without Dustin it could have been worse. Everyone was worried because we know that the Korean has anger issues. My mate Zach and I knew that the Korean who had started the fight had a little knife in his tent but even his 2 and a half inch knife could kill a person. So we told a teacher. We then found out that the Korean said a nasty Korean word to the Thai kid who had done nothing wrong. The Thai kid said something back in Thai to the Korean who then got angry saying some other trash and started to hit the Thai kid. Hopefully the Korean kid will be sent to counseling quickly. It turned out that the Thai kid was fine even though he had been hit in the face. What a way to end a fun field trip right?

Anyways, we now have a three day weekend which is cool!! As soon as i came home I found a HUGE box of candy with my favorite chocolates in it. It also had chips and salsa from Aunt Lavon, Uncle Curtis, Cory, Angel, Coli, and Jenna. It's awesome good stuff. Thanks so much!



Crystal said...

sounds like a very uh...interesting trip. I like your language...clicks, mates...the metric system. Sounds fun and uh...keep some distance from ghost girl

Curtis and Lavon said...

Nothing like ending your week with a box of chocolates!!! lol We are so happy that you FINALLY received it!! Your trip sounded very interesting--so glad you are back home safely and not any of you beat up!!
Love you all

The Northcutt's: said...

@ Crystal: lol the metric makes so much more since when you think about it its hard for me to think in miles now.

@ Aunt Lavon: I so agree i loved the chocolates!!!!!! They were so good!!!! Thankyou so much!!