Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The H1N1 flu has been sweeping through the boys' school and now it looks like we have caught the bug. On Monday night Dustin started complaining of a headache and during the night he developed a fever. All day Tuesday he continued with aches and pains along with the fever. I couldn't find a thermometer until Monday evening and after another round of Tylenol his temperature was still over 103 degrees so I drove him to the night out-patient clinic at the nearby hospital. His nasal swab tested positive for influenza and we wait 48 hours to find out if it is the infamous swine-flu. His temperature was still over 103 so he was admitted. He is receiving IV hydration and antibiotics because the Dr. thinks he may also have a bacterial infection. His temperature finally returned to normal this morning and he is getting lots of rest.

I thought I was kind to offer to stay with Dustin in the hospital allowing Mark to stay at home and rest in our bed but he ended up drawing the shorter straw! Nathan woke him up 4 times vomiting AND Mark woke up this morning to a living room full of water. For the second time since moving into this house the line to our ice-maker has broken, flooding the kitchen and living room. I ran home to shower this morning and Mark had towels everywhere, our Persian rug in the driveway sun, and was playing nurse to Nathan. He cancelled some morning meetings and conducted a conference call at home in order to stay home this morning from work.

The boys have been practicing for weeks with a band from their school that is supposed to compete on Friday in the annual Battle of the Band competition. If they start feeling better maybe they can attend the competition wearing masks? I'm sure the other band members panicked this morning when neither Nathan or Dustin showed up at school.

1 comment:

The Reader said...

here's hoping they recover quickly and the rest of you are spared.