Friday, June 17, 2011

We are closing in on the end of the school year. It is a tradition of our Regent's school that the last week of school is dedicated to Round Square activities. They offer some amazing trips and activities. Dustin and Nathan chose to travel to India and trek the Himalayas with a group of students and teachers for a week. Ethan will be doing three days dedicated to Gibbon monkeys in Northern Thailand. It will include a 'flight of the gibbon' tour of a Thailand rainforest. Regent's has also included the Rayong bakery as one of their options this year so I will be busy hosting 25 students and teachers at the bakery Monday-Wednesday.

Please pray for Dustin and Nathan's safety, physical endurance for both of them-especially for Nathan's knees to hold up and for them to not be too cold at night. They are having to haul all their supplies in via backpack and it's a hard balance between taking enough warm clothing, bedding and not having too much weight in your pack.

I just received a note from the two of them, I'm copying and pasting them from my email. My boys are all so different and it is never more evident than in their correspondance! I'm also posting a picture of the region they will be trekking.

First from Nathan

Hey there,
wanted to let you know that we have arrived in India safe and sound.
Nobody had any Visa or Passport issues or problems. The plane ride was
good, very little turbalance. We are all pretty tired after a 7 hour
bus ride immediatly following the landing into Delhi. Tomorrow we have
a 9 hour bus ride on a mountain road/pass. If you thought the driving
was bad in Thailand you have not experienced India... Its nuts. These
people are crazy LOL.

The plane ride was good, i sat beside Kyle and PK. It was rather
chilled, Dustin managed to step in a different passanger's throw-up
but it is Dustin and he is sadly the only person i can think of to do

We are all tired, because we landed in Delhi approx. 23:00 and started
driving to The Doon School at approx. 01:15. We arrived at the hotel
at approx. 8:00 the next morning.

India is pretty good so far, we have not experienced much of it yet.
However, (as expected) the smell from the people and the local
enviroment is rather strong and at times putrid. I have found a way to
battle this... My secret is to chew spicy cinnamon gum which overloads
my senses and keeps the majority of the smelly smells out.

Anywho, I probably wont be able to reply. Stay safe, and pass on my
best wishes to dad. We will see you guys when we arrive back in
Thailand. And i am sure we will have plenty of stories to tell.

Take care, lots of love

PS: People are waiting for this computer, i apologize for the many
typos it contains.

And then from Dustin:

We made it to India and things are great. Won't be able to contact you probably until we meet face to face. Love ya. Dustin

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