Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

Well, the first day of 'real' school for us has arrived, I don't know who was more nervous me or the boys. It didn't get off to the start I had dreamed about, another driver episode for the books!! Mark says you just have to laugh as I watch my worry lines getting even more pronounced. We were all up at 6am, bright and early to get a good start. We're right on schedule after getting dressed, devotional time and breakfast. Our driver is to pick us up at 7am to assure that we get to the school early enough to get pictures, orient the boys, meet their teachers, purchase meal tickets...At 7:10 we finally call our driver who is no where in sight. He says, "Car broke. Be there 7:30." I'm wondering if he would have ever called us to notify us? Also wondering if perhaps he enjoyed the Queen's birthday too much yesterday? Mark said that was mean-sorry. Now we are all getting a little stressed because school starts at 8 am, so much for the leisurely transition to school. Thankfully, he does arrive at 7:30 in a Honda accord with bucket seats requiring that we all pile on top of each other. Ethan didn't think it was too cool to have to be sitting in his mom's lap when we arrived at his new school-oh well. So we're off and only 20 minutes from the school, we'll be okay you would think. Mark tells our driver to take us to the school. He smiles and says, "Yes." After about 10 minutes I comment to Mark that I'm confused this doesn't seem like the way to the school, Mark is confident that perhaps the driver knows a new, shorter way. After another 5 minutes Mark asks driver, "You're taking us to school right?" "OOOH! No work?" the driver replies. You should of heard the groans in the car at that point, I'm sure the driver could translate the exasperation in all the moans. It's now 7:50 and we are finally headed to the school. We arrive at 8:20, there were no tearful hugs, pictures...just the boys running trying to locate their classes. I took the pictures after D & N were in their general assembly and Ethan was deposited into the care of his new teacher, he had to take a seat on the very back row but is sitting by the Principal's son, I'll have to get pictures later of Ethan's class, I didn't want to embarrass him anymore than he already was by being late. He has 20 other students in his class, large in comparison to D & N classes.

By now Mark is late for his job as well, in fact his secretary called just checking on him. We arrived at the workplace at 9:25. I can tell the driver thing will be one of our challenges here. We've arranged for the boys to be picked up by the school van in the mornings from now on and the driver and I will hopefully pick them up in the afternoons. I guess God spared me lamenting about this new stage in our lives and just had me rejoicing that we finally made it to the school at all. I sure hope that we get the contract signed on the house that is walking distance from the school!


Dorinda said...

School already?! Wow! Are the boys disappointed to be starting already? What are you doing with all your free time? :)

Can't wait to see your new house!

Anonymous said...
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Andrea said...

I'm so glad you sent blog invitation. I am so technically challenged I needed a direct link.

You descriptions make me remember our first days in Mexico--Yes, those smells can be different.

The Baccas will be praying for all of you.

krazykaren said...

A Honda accord? I lauged at the mental picture and spilt my coffee. Love your stories. K

Unknown said...

Surely the Lord gave you all these obstacles to occupy your mind on the first day of school! I'd be willing to bet a brand new set of spurs that not once on the car ride to school, Ethan on your lap, boys accordian pleated into the back seat with Mark, did you have time to worry and wring your hands over whether or not the kiddos were properly prepared for public school! Whew! You were no doubt just happy to get them there! God is GOOD and He is IN CONTROL! YEAHHHH!