Thursday, August 14, 2008

The World We Live In

Well, I finally had to close my blog to everyone and make it invitation only, I had been contemplating it for a while because of some sites I had noticed were tapping into my blog. It caught a lot of people's attention when I addressed Pattaya's open sin issue, with all the blatant prostitution. After reading a comment left yesterday from a stranger I decided I better finally bite the bullet and just do it. I didn't want to do that in case I'm leaving someone out. Because of the opportunities we have had to live a lot of different places we have lots of dear friends, I can only invite 100 people to read along. I know that I've left someone out and left some spots for those I've forgotten, some I don't have your email addresses. Mom, can you send me Aunt Sara's email address. June, please get me Shannon B's email address, I know she had been reading. Crystal, please get me Becca's so I can invite her to join in. Well, poo! I guess it's just the world we live in. I am writing this to share all the wonderful experiences we are having in Thailand and to keep in touch with all of you. I've sent a special invite to each of you now receiving this because of what you mean to us, how you have touched our lives in some way along this life journey and because I know you are a praying people and will pray for us as we live so far away from you all. You all are so dear to us and we love you much!


Crystal said...

hey joronda Becca's email is

have6kidz said...

Hi Northcutt Family! Thank you so much for inviting us to join your blog. It will be such a blessing to be able to keep in touch over all the miles! Blessings and hugs to everyone!

The Fishers