Friday, August 15, 2008


In the evenings if we have need to go outside of our resort we catch the Thai-taxi or the Baht-bus (The Baht is Thailand money, presently I think it's about 33 Baht/US dollar. Mark has taught me an easy way to convert Baht to US dollars-divide by 100 then multiply by 3, a quick reference.) Every day we are still being flooded with new sights, smells and tastes. The Thai-taxi is one of those new experiences. It amazes me in the states we are so safety conscious and here we pay to ride in the back of a pick-up truck. I'm posting some pictures for you all to see. On Wednesday to celebrate the boys first day of school we went to a Thai jazz restaurant for more delicious Thai food and a nice relaxing evening. I still wonder if we will ever tire of the wonderful food and all the fruity drinks with fresh pineapple and fresh flower decorations? As we were leaving the restaurant a downpour of rain hit, usually the taxis don't have plastic around the periphery, their just open to the air. Speaking of rain, I was worried when I was reading about Thailand before coming that we would be transferring right at the start of the rainy season. I had images of long, grey days but that hasn't been the case at all. Nearly every day around 5pm a cloud starts to build up, the pool staff quickly puts up all the umbrellas and seat cushions away and a deluge of rain hits, after 15 minutes or so, it's gone. I've been told that is the extent of rainy season, I can handle that! By the way, it costs about 150 Baht for our Thai-taxi ride home, you convert that.


The Nash Family said...

The answer is $4.50! ?? Can't wait to see pictures of your crazy cab ride!

Sue DiAntonio said...

$4.50 is my answer as well. Hello Joronda!!!